The Cathelco hull corrosion protection systems based on impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) technology reduce maintenance costs by preventing corrosion on ship hulls and offshore structures. We offer world-leading ICCP technology combined with a broad understanding of various corrosion problems and the most effective ways to solve them.
Although modern hull coatings provide some protection against corrosion, they are not a complete solution. For this reason, most operators choose to protect their vessels with a purpose-designed impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) system.
Using an arrangement of hull-mounted anodes and reference cells connected to one or more control panels, the system produces a more powerful external current to suppress the natural electrochemical activity on the wet surface of the hull. This eliminates the formation of aggressive corrosion cells on the plate surfaces, avoiding problems where dissimilar metals are either combined through welding or brought into proximity by other components, such as propellers.
The Cathelco C-Max anode range provides numerous advantages in terms of performance and ease of installation. In addition, they are lightweight and diver changeable, producing a high output from a small footprint.
Cathelco marine growth prevention systems (MGPSs), also known as antifouling systems) usually consist of pairs of copper and aluminium anodes mounted in sea chests or strainers and connected to a control panel. Where cupro-nickel pipework is used onboard, a ferrous anode is used instead of the aluminium anode.
In operation, the copper anode produces ions that are carried by seawater flow, creating an environment where barnacles and mussels will not settle or multiply.
By introducing copper ions in very small concentrations, around two parts per billion, the system interrupts the settlement sequence of mussel and barnacle larvae. Instead of adhering to the surface of sea chests, strainers, and pipework, the larvae pass harmlessly through the cooling water system to the discharge point.
Without antifouling protection, pipes can become encrusted with organisms, leading to a blockage that reduces the efficiency of the seawater cooling system.